Renewable Energies
As Featured On Ezine Articles

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Green Environment Or Transparent?

The people of today are becoming more aware of the environmental issues at hand and The efficient planet movement than ever before. In the last century, our environment has gone from green to transparent. Transparent meaning: the man made chemicals are replacing the natural product and turning it to transparent, so that when a person looks at a label, it would very hard to find the natural product. For years every thing we deal with in life has been made with man made chemicals. Today most foods are made with chemicals in some form or fashion. Even the cloths on your back and the sheets you sleep on are made of chemicals. For more information on natural bedding and clothing go to: Environmental Green Web Directory and Go Green Environmental Services.

Laundry Aids and shampoos: Use only organic, low suds soap. When you go to the store today and look down the isle, you see a lot of chemical treatments for your hair. Try to pick a good organic shampoo for hair. Organic shampoos will keep your hair looking healthy and help the environment. Look for the green environmental services label on the bottles to make sure that it is a environmentally safe product.

Your Home: Replace your old, worn out appliances with new energy efficient models. Change your incandescent light bulbs to the new energy efficient florescent type. These bulbs give off the same ,if not more, light and last ten times longer. Look for the energy star logo on all products before you purchase them. Upgrade the fixtures in your kitchen and bathrooms with the new, more efficient models. These fixtures are easy to install and inexpensive.

Furniture: Until recently all furniture was finished with chemical based stains and paint, but now there are new organic based products that are bio-friendly. Start with small simple improvements with the furniture in your home. Most beds are made of wood which are known to hold bugs and diseases. Replace them with metal frames. These frames will not let bugs and diseases imbed its self in the metal and they are easier to keep clean. Your mattresses may have chemicals in them and this is unhealthy, change them to a good cotton filled type with springs. Make sure that they are fire and stain resistant. Always look for the environmental services tag before purchasing a mattress.

Thinking about building a new home or remolding? Use a construction company that is aware of the green environment movement and uses products that are bio-friendly and that are energy efficient with fewer chemicals.

The internet is a good place to search for tips and suggestions on how you can start turning your transparent environment back to green. Go green environmental Forum & Articles and environmental green web directory can help you get started today.

For More imformation on this topic visit The Efficient Plant Movement

For more imformation on renewable energies visit Renewable Power Site

Monday, December 8, 2008

Building Solar Panels For Your Home

Today taking steps to protect our environment and cut back on fossil fuels usage is becoming a very important topic for many people. People ask “what can we do?” Most people work 40 hours a week and don’t have a lot of time to volunteer, especially if you have kid’s. It would be nice if people were able to allocate time to helping the environment, but that’s not possible for most. So what can we do? How about Building our own Solar Panels!
Even with people striving to making a positive influence on the environment with their time, this still doesn’t help stop the number one environmental problem we have: our dependence on fossil fuels.
Every one has the chance to cut back on non renewable energy use if that’s what they
they want to. And the really nice thing about it is they can eliminate their electric bill!
A large problem with "going solar" is that the cost of having solar panels installed is to expensive for most home owners. Homeowners having to finance $10,000 to $25,000 to have solar panels installed professionally, only to have to wait almost two decades for them to pay for them selves is quite unrealistic.
Many homeowners can’t afford to buy or finance new systems. They are building simple
solar panels them selves. There are quite a few guides available that will teach you how to build panels for under two hundred dollars, and they will pay for themselves within a few months instead of years.
I have purchased several over the years to compare and evaluate to see what you get for your money. The only one I have found to be complete, from A to Z is Efficient Planet!
You will get a complete blueprint on to build solar panels, How to hook them up ( Please have a qualified electrician do this for you ), plus how to build a wind turbine and The Living Green Bible. It is worth more than the money you will pay for it (Around 50.00 when I bought mine ).
In what would be a nice weekend project, you can build your own solar panels,
install them, and incorporate them into the electric grid. Most electric utilizes will even help you with incorporating them into their grid.
Now can stop paying those large electric bills buy doing it your self.
Every homeowner that has a free weekend and can go to the hardware store should make It a point to try building their own solar panels.
For information on designing your own solar power system please visit
Renewable power site
For more information on renewable energies please visit
Renewable power site


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hydro energy

When producing Hydro energy, you harness the energy of the current in a stream. Moving water is all that is necessary. Hydro energy is a renewable source that can provide energy for your home with out polluting the atmosphere. Though out history Hydro energy has shown that the developmental costs are quite stable. This type of system is a low-carbon, controllable alternative to the fuels we use today. It only makes sense to build hydro energy plants. This form of producing energy is exceptional and it produces energy twenty four-seven.
We have to store water to make sure a dependable supply of energy can be produced whenever it is needed. The Hydro energy system is one of the most widely used forms of renewable energy. In California it is an important component of their energy grid. Solar energy is still producing only a fraction of the United state's energy needs yet it is the energy source that has the largest growth and continues to have remarkable potential.
Wave energy is still in its early years, with most power plants still in the experimental phases. There are numerous projects still trying to prove that the world's oceans can produce enough energy to be dependable.
The Hydro energy system is environmentally safe renewable source of energy and has many natural advantages. Unlike fossil fuels, once constructed, hydro energy projects produce energy without dependence on fuel. Operation and maintenance have only minimal cost.
Through out this century, this system has continued to play a major role in the growth of electrical service’s. Hydro energy plants produce from few kilo Watts to thousands of Mega Watts. Before the availability of commercial electricity, this system was used for irrigation, textile manufacture and the operation of sawmills. Hydro energy currently supplies very little of the electricity used in the United State’s. It is time to move away from the energy sources that pollute our plant and start using our natural resources.